Parents of College Students

Parents of College Students: What You Need to Know

Representing Students at UMCP and Other Local Colleges

Has your child been accused of a crime, academic dishonesty, or student misconduct? Is he or she a student at the University of Maryland College Park or another local university? If so, your child could be facing both criminal and academic penalties.

I am attorney Steve Jacoby, and I represent UMCP students who have been charged with DUI / DWI, drug offenses, and other crimes. I am a 1971 graduate of UMCP and am still active in campus activities. I have a personal interest in helping your child overcome criminal charges, academic dishonesty charges, and student misconduct charges.

Contact my law office in College Park to schedule a free consultation. Call 301-779-5560 or 800-864-4488 today.

How I Can Help Your Child

Has your child has been charged with a crime and is a student of UMCP or another Maryland college? He or she may be facing criminal penalties as well as possible penalties assigned by the University Judicial Board or Office of Student Conduct. I represent students in criminal as well as academic proceedings involving the following charges:

  • Criminal offenses – Such as DUI/DWI/drunk driving, underage drinking, drug offenses, disturbing the peace, theft, shoplifting or sexting
  • Academic Dishonesty – Such as plagiarism, cheating, breaking the honor code
  • Student Misconduct – Such as verbal or physical threats, damaging property, alcohol or drug use on campus

It is my goal to work for your child’s best interests. This usually involves close parental involvement. With your child’s permission, I can keep you informed of all case developments. Together, we can seek a favorable resolution to your child’s case.

Contact The Law Offices of Steven M. Jacoby

To schedule a free consultation with a lawyer to discuss a student discipline matter, please send me an email or call 301-779-5560 or toll-free at 800-864-4488.